News 2012
December 29, 2012
More photos!
December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas to all of you! Here are some photos from today. And of Rossmix Raining Cats And Dogs enjoying the snow.
December 21, 2012
The first walk with the two labrador puppies, have a look! And some other photos from today.
Belgium December 17
Ch Sangold Le Petit Pois is now mated to Fashion Du Bois De La Rayère. The puppies will be born in February and leave for their new homes mid April. Here you can read more.
Östergötlands KK Mjölby 2012-11-25
Rossmix Pernod (Zumas Mellow Yellow Man - Rossmix Primrose) debuterade i utställningsringen och vann BIR BIG-2 idag. Dömde gjrode Patrik Cederlöf. Ägare är Mikael Ahlerup.
NKK int Lilleström 2012-11-25
Today in Norway JWW-10 FIUCH SEUCH NOUCH Puggens Wilma Ros Mix got her 4th title; Norwegian Show Champion, by being 3rd best bitch.
CIE Ch Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix was 4th best male.
Kastanjeshow GRCN November
Rossmix Beauty Of Splendour (Ritzilyn Hurdy Gurdy - Rossmix Turn Back Time) won BIS at her 1st show. Lizz is owned by kennel My Love Of Splendour in Holland.

November 11, 2012
Today at her 1st show Rossmix Peony was BOS puppy and Rossmix Pimms was BOB puppy, both judged by Annika Ulltveit-Moe.

Rossmix Peony (Manzamaz The Great Pretender - FIUCH SEUCH JWW-10 Puggens Wilma Ros Mix).
Rossmix Raindrop won his class and ended up at 2nd best male golden retriever puppy. Rossmix Eye Catcher was 2nd in his class.
October 29, 2012
New photos of Rossmix Raindrop and Flower To Rossmix Du Bois De La Rayère, thanks B for the photo! And today the 1st snow came.
GRC Sala Open Show October 27, 2012
At his first show Rossmix Raindrop was BIS puppy showed by Kerstin. Rossmix Pinocchio was 3rd in the same class. Rossmix Rainging Cats And Dogs won his class. Ch Rossmix Braveheart was 2nd in veteran & 5th best male and Ch Karvin A Kind Of Feeling was 3rd in Veteran. Ch Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix was best male and BIS-2. Ch Sangold Le Petit Pois was 2nd in Open and 5th best bitch. Flower To Rossmix Du Bois De La Rayère was 2nd in Maiden. Her litter brother Fly To Ghost Myst Du Bois De La Rayère was 2nd best male, shown by his owner Mr Bruno Facq. At the end of the day we also had BIS progeny group with Ch Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix.
September 2012
WW-10 CIE NOUCH SEU(U)CH Rossmix Zenato Ripassa is mated to USCH GBSHCH Salty Boy Of Tampa Bay, puppies will be born late October.
September 2, 2012
Ch JWW-10 Puggens Wilma Ros Mix blev BIR BIG-3 SKK int Högbo med cacib idag.
August 30, 2012
Idag fyller Rosa tre år! Och vi har fotat Rossmix Pimms (Zumas Mellow Yellow Man - Rossmix Primrose) idag, så här ser han ut idag, när han är åtta veckor. Här är bilder på mopsvalparna tagna idag.

Rossmix Pimms (Zumas Mellow Yellow Man - Rossmix Primrose), åtta veckor idag.

Rossmix Peony (Manzamas The Great Pretender - JWW-10 SEUCH FIUCH Puggens Wilma Ros Mix).
SKK August, 2012
Manzamas The Great Pretender har nu vunnit sitt första cert.
August 21, 2012
Nya datum för höstens handler/ringträningar i SKKs garage.
August 9, 2012
Idag har Rossmix Peony (Bibi) haft besök av den franska bulldogen Hilda. Här finns bilder. Här finns några nya bilder av Bibi.
Här är bilder av mopsvalparna.
August 7, 2012
Standing photos of the puppies by Ch Donshellas Sun River & Ch Rossmix Sunshine In The Rain.
July 29, 2012
Idag har vi varit till sjön med några golden (Asta, Flora, Louise), labrdoren Latte och mopsen Rosa. Kolla bilderna!! Och Astas valpar har också fått bada idag, för första gången.
July 27, 2012
Nya bilder på Theas valpar (Ritzilyn Hurdy Gurdy - Rossmix Turn Back Time).
July 16, 2012
Fler bilder på Theas valpar (Ritzilyn Hurdy Gurdy - Rossmix Turn Back Time).
July 15, 2012
Ch Rossmix Braveheart (Ch Karvin A Kind Of Feeling - Rossmix Too Late) blev BIM veteran.
July 12, 2012
Nya bilder av Astas valpar (Ch Donshellas Sun River - Ch Rossmix Sunshine In The Rain).
July 5, 2012
Rossmix Primrose har fått valpar med Zumas Mellow Yellow Man, tre hanvalpar. Både mamma och de små mår utmärkt!
SKK Alfta July 7, 2012
Today we have a new champion! Sangold Le Petit Pois won her 3rd CC and is now SEU(U)CH. Fly To Ghost Myst Du Bois De La Rayère won the Intermediate class and ended up as 4th best male.

June 27, 2012
Några nya bilder på Theas valpar.
June 22, 2012
Första bilderna av Astas valpar.
June 20, 2012
Welcome to Fly To Ghost Myst Du Bois De La Rayère, Ghost will be staying with us until his return to France for the field trials later in 2012.
June 16, 2012
At his 1st show Rossmix Mixed Colours won the R-CC and was placed 3rd best male, from Junior class SKK Österbybruk. Stizze is owned by Lena Andersson, Fruängen.
June 15, 2012
The puppies by Ch Rossmix Sunshine In The Rain and Ch Donshellas Sun River are born, 7 boys and 1 girl. Photos will come!
June 11, 2012
Today the Thea (Rossmix Turn Back Time) puppies has arrived, 5 boys and 2 girls, all is well in the pupyy box.
June 10, 2012
Rossmix After Rain Comes Sunshine has passed his character test with 96 our of 99 possible points, congratulations Janine! Ch Rossmix Braveheart blev idag 2-BH och BIS-2 veteran SSRK Sundsvall.
June 1, 2012
Rossmix Be The Reason har tävlat i lydnadsklass II med föstapris och klassvinst. Grattis Lena & Aussie!

May 29, 2012
Nu är Rossmix Primrose (Pim-Pim) tre veckor på väg i sin dräktighet, valparna beräknas till mitten av juli. Hon är parad med Zumas Mellow Yellow Man.
May 31, 2012
Det kom en trollslända och satte sig i en av hundarnas matskålar, och jag hade kameran inom räckhåll!
May 25, 2012
Idag har vi haft nästan 30 grader varmt. Vi har varit vid den fantastiska sjön i Rödmossa. Här finns bilder!

Rossmix After Rain Comes Sunshine
(Ch Ramchaine Snap To Jakos - Ch Rossmix Sunshine In The Rain), now x-rayed with hips AA and elbows 0+0. Topas is owned by kennel Jewelhope in Switzerland.
May 24, 2012
Ikväll har jag fotat med lilla gluggen och blixt. Här är bilderna.
May 13, 2012
Några nya bilder tagna idag, första dagen med sol på flera flera dagar.
May 7, 2012
Idag har jag varit i Småland och hämtat två nya katter, helig birma, de kallas Lucia och Zlatan, de är syskon. Zlatan är brunmaskad och Lucia är blåsköldpaddstabbymaskad. Bara så vackra. Stort tack till Barbro Sabel för dessa härliga kissar! Fler bilder finns under Cats.

Zlatan har just somnat på mitt skrivbord och sover gott.

Mid April 2012
JWW-10 SEUCH FICH Puggens Wilma Ros Mix is now mated to Manzamas The Greaet Pretender, puppies due in May. Rossmix Turn Back Time is now in Holland to be mated to Ritzilyn Hurdy Gurdy.
Jag har också roat mig idag, denna regniga tisdag den 10 april, med att titta tillbaka lite på hundar som satt särskilda spår i mitt hjärta.
March 25, 2012
De första pelargonerna har börjat blomma, våren är på väg. Rossmix Potter har några nya bilder på sin sida.
SKK int Malmö March 18, 2012
Today Sangold Le Petit Pois won her 2nd CC, cacib, best bitch and BOS. Golden retrievers were judged by Gunnar Norlin. Ch CIE Rossmix Stars Are Bright won the Champion class and ended up 3rd best bitch. Labradors were judged by Stefan Sinko.
Rossmix Be The Reason won a 3rd place in obedience class I today. Owner Lena Andersson, Fruängen.
SKK int Malmö March 17, 2012
Rossmix Philippa (Chiquititas Joker - Pugsies O'h Magic Moments) won a strong Junior class, her 1st show since puppy class and was shortlisted in the best bitch class.

Rossmix Philippa.
Vi hann också med en liten tur till Falsterbo, en minnenas tur på stranden med hundar, bara helt underbart. Här finns några bilder.
Mid March 2012
A trip to England, Crufts and Oxford. Here are some photos from Oxford. Thanks Julia for the shopping tour!
February 26, 2012
Sadella's Queen of Hearts (NVCH Sadella's What A Feeling - Ch Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix) won CC and BOB in Norway today, owned by kennel Sadella, Norway.
February 23, 2012
Idag var det sol och plusgrader, bara så härligt! Hundarna och jag gick vår vanliga promenad i solskenet.
Februry 20, 2012
Today we had a really nice winter day with sun, -4 and lots of snow. The dogs enjoyed their walk!

February 18, 2012
Rossmix Raining Cats And Dogs won his class at the GRC show in Sala and ended up as 4th best male puppy.
February 16, 2012
Rossmix Potter now has is own page. And so does his sister Rossmix Poppy.
February 3, 2012
For the last couple of days we have had -13, sunshine and lots of snow.

Moa är på väg efter mer ved med Emil katt i kärran.

Rossmix Remus (Ch Smart Fellows Reline The Troops - Ch Rossmix Stars Are Bright) showing in Junior class, in Russia.
January 29, 2012

Nu är Maggies tre valpar sex veckor, hon sköter dom fortfarande explemariskt! De äter fyra mål mat om dagen, är tjocka och goa om magarna och glada för att få leka tillsammans.
January 28, 2012
In Russia today MultiCh Rossmix Calvados (MultiCh Furyo Noroy Du Plessy - Ch Rossmix Hung Up) won BOB under Mr Andrew Brace, GB.
January 26, 2012
Idag har vi varit till kennel Donshellas och parat Louise. Helene passade på att fota fästmannen Frans, Ch Donshellas Sun River.
January 22, 2012
New photos of the pug puppies.
January 13, 2012
The 1st photos of the pug puppies. We have decided to mate Rossmix Loire to Ch Donshellas Sun River (by Ch FIV-98 Rossmix Rugger).
December 9, 2011
Many thanks for all kindness on Moa's day. A very special thanks also to the Andersson family for all the goodies, and especially to Kerstin and Kattis for the labrador cake!

Photo: Lena Karlsson, Runhällen.
December 2011
Rossmix After Rain Comes Sunshine (Ch Ramchaine Snap To Jakos - Ch Rossmix Sunshine In The Rain) has made his 1st show and was placed 3rd in a strong junior class. Topas is owned by kennel Jewelhope in Switzerland.

Rossmix After Rain Comes Sunshine, 7.5 months old.
December 8, 2011
Last night the winter came. Today we had -7, clear sun and lots of snow. Here are some photos from today's walk. Philippa and Jojo enjoyed their morning walk!

Rossmix Philippa & Manzamas The Great Pretender.
November 13, 2011
At her 1st show Rossmix Philippa was BOB and finally BIG-2. Judged by Carin Åkesson. We also took some photos of our new pug boy, Manzamas The Great Pretender.
October 17, 2011
Today we are living for Finland to pick up FIUCH SEUCH JWW-10 Puggens Wilma Ros Mix. Rosa is now mated to FICH LTCH EECH SEUCH LTUW-11 EEW-11 Vilway's Tuesday Heartbreaker.
Also Pugsies O'h Magic Moments is now mated, to Red Gable's Mr Darcy, who is a full brother to the famous Ch Semlans Sigrid.
October 9, 2011
FIUCH SEUCH JWW-10 Puggens Wilma Ros Mix won cacib BOB at SKK int Sundsvall. The breed was judged by Anita Whitmarsh. Ch Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix was 2nd in the Champion class and ended up as 3rd best male. Rossmix Turn Back Time was 2nd in the Intermediate class.
October 5, 2011
A short visit to the ancient zoo in Stockholm, where there are Swedish animals and buildings from a long time ago.
October 6, 2011
Both Ch Rossmix Hung Up and her daugther Rossmix Loire are tested normal for GR_PRA1.
October 2, 2011
After last night's dinner with friends on seafood with oysters, lobsters, crayfish, we took a long walk in the forest not so far from were we live with five of the dogs.
October 1, 2011
At Nordskånska kennelklubbens puppy show Rossmix Rain Man won BOB BIG-3. Dustin is owned by kennel Le Pets.

Rossmix Rain Man (Ch Ramchaine Snap To Jakos - Ch Rossmix Sunshine In The Rain).
September 25, 2011
At NKK Bergen in Norway, Rossmix Sunshine On Vestafjell became BIS puppy. Mia is owned by kennel Vestafjell, Norway.

Rossmix Sunshine On Vestafjell
The 1st day at FKK int Eckerö SEUCH FICH JWW-10 Puggens Wilma Ros Mix gained her 3rd title, Finnish champion, won the CC, cacib, and ended up as best bitch and BOB BOG-3. Her litter brother SEUCH Puggens Wester also gained the Finnish champion title at the same show.

The 2nd day our labrador bitch Ch Rossmix Stars Are Bright won CC cacib and ended up as BOS. Our golden retriever gentleman Ch Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix gained a new title, International champion, he won CC, cacib and BOB. What a weekend!
Och på Täby Hundsällskap debuterade mopsen Rossmix Penelope på sin första utställning med att vinna BIS-R. Grattis Marie-Louise!
September 18, 2011
Today Sangold Le Petit Pois won her 1st CC and ended up as 3rd best bitch
at SSRK Smedjebacken under Gunilla Skallman, Bellis was shown by Kerstin.
September 10, 2011
Today at SKK int Gimo SEUCH JWW-10 Puggens Wilma Ros Mix was best bitch, BOS and got her 3rd Swedish CC, cacib and gained her 2nd title. Her litter brother Puggens Wilfred, won the CC cacib BOB, also he gained his title today.
GRC Farsta
LPI Rossmix Be The Reason, Aussie, became 5th best male and Rossmix Mixed Colours, Stizze, became 4th best male puppy. Both owned by Lena Andersson, Fruängen.
August 28, 2017
Tack alla ni som kom med era Rossmixare på idag, alltid lika roligt att få träffas! Nästa gång blir till vintern, då vi tänkt oss en julpromenad.
August 23, 2011
We have decided to inseminate Chavenis Sweet Passion to INT NORDUCH TRIALER Rossmix No Regrets with frozen semen. Have a look under Puppies.
August 22, 2011
A recent photo of Rossmix Remus (Ch Smart Fellows Reline The Troops - Ch Rossmix Stars Are Bright), owned by Elena Vasilyeva, Russia.

Rossmix Remus.
August 20, 2011
Ch Rossmix Stars Are bright won CC cacib & BOS at NKK int Oslo today under Ewa Nielsen. And JWW-10 Puggens Wilma Ros Mix was 2nd best bitch with R-CC.
July 29, 2011
Darling Rosa (JWW-10 Puggens Wilma Ros Mix) won her 2nd CC cacib and BOB today at SKK int Ransäter. Photos from Leeds Championship Show.
July 28, 2011
Some photos from a short visit to Öregrund with three of the doggies. New photos of Rossmix Philippa.
July 2, 2011
More photos of Pelle, the cat. And some of Rossmix Philippa.
June 26, 2011
Photos of Pelle, the cat. Photos of the two pug puppies; Rossmix Philippa & Rossmix Penelope. Bilder från Blå Hallen då William tog sin examen, till polis.
June 2011
Kerstin Andersson is now a co-owner in the prefix ROSSMIX. She is very welcome and will be most appreciated.
June 5, 2011
New photos of the Asta & Eddie puppies.
June 2011
A new kitten has arrived! Thanks Cilla for Pelle, he is a real darling!

May 29, 2011
Today Rossmix Turn Back Time won the Intermediate class and ended up as 3rd best bitch at SKK Int Vallentuna. New photos of the Asta puppies.

May 7, 2011
Today I took Rossmix Loire and Dukeland Royal Dream for their 1st swim this spring, they both enjoyed it! Here are some photos.
May 6, 2011
Photos of the golden retriever puppies. And the 1st photos of the two pug puppies.

Rossmix Remus, born March 31, 2011, by Ch Smart Fellows Reline The Troops and Ch Rossmix Stars Are Bright.
April 30, 2011
More photos of the puppies.
April 24, 2011
The 2nd photos of the golden puppies by Ch Rossmix Braveheart and Ch Rossmix Hung Up. Ny länk VALPTITT med information inför valpköp och leverans.
April 21, 2011
The puppies by Ch Ramchaine Snap To Jakos and Ch Rossmix Sunshine In The Rain were born, 8 males and 3 females. Photos will come!
April 15, 2011
The pug puppies are born.
April 14, 2011
The 1st photos of the golden puppies by Ch Rossmix Braveheart and Ch Rossmix Hung Up.

Pugsies O'Magic Moments, Maggie, awaiting her puppies, any day now.
April 8, 2011
En tidig morron när solen just stigit upp, ett par minusgrader och fågelsång. Vatten överallt som porlar och blänker. Läge för morronprommis! Här är nåra foton!
March 31, 2011
Two labrador boys are born, Rossmix Remus and Rossmix Romulus.
March 28, 2011
Today we got puppies! Ch Rossmix Hung Up had her puppies, 5 boys and 3 girls. All well with the little ones and their mother. Selma is a very good mother, attending to the newbornes, lots of milk and eager to care for them.
March 13, 2011
Johanna Nyberg is showing JWW-10 Puggens Wilma Ros Mix at Crufts, Rosa was VHC in Yearling Bitch. Thanks Johanna for showing darling Rosa!!

March 4, 2011
Today it is William's 30th birthday, we are celebrating at my fathers with all the family, but first some walks with the dogs.
February, 2011
Darling Toby, WW-03 EUW-04 KBHW-05 SV-06 MultiCh Sireva Secret Agent For Foxrush, is no longer with us. Such a gentleman he was, such a kind boy, always as nice as one could wish for. A real gentleman!
February 19, 2011
Ch Rossmix Sunshine In The Rain is now mated to Ch Ramchaine Snap To Jakos, puppies due in April.
February 19, 2011
Today we got the pre-x-ray result back from SKK, Flower To Rossmix Du Bois De La Rayere has prel B hips and prel 0+0 elbows.
February 9, 2011
A walk in the sun.
Late January 2011
Now both Ch Rossmix Stars Are Bright and Ch Rossmix Hung Up are mated, the puppies will be born early April.
Today we had the results from SKK of hips and elbows of Rossmix Turn Back Time (hips B, elbows 0+0) and also the pre-x-ray from Sangold Le Petit Pois (hips prel AA, elbows prel 0+0).
We also had the DNA test of GR_PRA1 for Ch Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix and one of his daughters; Ch Rossmix Sunshine In The Rain, both were tested NORMAL.
SSRK Strömsholm January 23, 2011
Sangold Le Petit Pois won the Puppy class and ended up as BOS puppy shown by Kerstin.

Sangold Le Petit Pois (Ch Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix - Ch Sangold Tutar Ärtigt).
December 31, 2010
The last day of this year, today we have -10, sunshine, lots and lots of snow. Here are some photos from our daily walk.
December 2010
Nya datum för vårens träningar finns nu på Välkommen!!
December 19, 2010
Today it was the pug day and Puggens Wilma Ros Mix won a strong intermediate class and ended up as 4-th best bitch. She was also in the Puggens breeders group which became BIS-2.
December 18, 2010
At the SKK int Stockholm show Rossmix Zenato Ripassa was 2nd best bitch. And the oldest of them all, MultiCh WW-03 EUW-04 CPHW-05 SV-06 Sireva Secret Agent For Foxrush was best male, BOS and best veteran, still going strong!
December 15, 2010
Photos of the baby pug, Puggens Agnes Cecilia.
Torsdagen den 9 december 2010
Today it is Moa's birthday and we are going to Åkersberga to pick up our new baby pug, Puggens Agnes Cecilia. She have the same mother as darling Rosa. Agnes Cecilia will be loved!
November 7, 2010 -- Vi skrattar så bra
Besökte Helene i helgen i sitt nya, gamla hus. Som vanligt har vi det mycket trevligt och ofta hysteriskt roligt. Vi gör det vi känner för och inte alltid det man borde. Sånt är bra!
Dessvärre hade jag ätit mycket blomkål och broccoli de senaste dagarna, vilket satt ordentlig fart på magen. Det blev mycket skratt och tyvärr också fis. Och vid ett tillfälle skrattade jag så att jag trillade ur fåtöljen. Sånt är också bra.
Jag som har tröttnat på rödvin, men är galen i champagne och moito, erbjöds just detta till middagen. Det kan ha bidragit till den glada och uppsluppna stämningen.
Middagen avslutades liggandes i varsin fåtölj med ostbricka och fin sammetsmjuk sherry.
Lesley som också var med såg vid ett tillfälle sin chans och störtade fram och slukade en stor bit ost (ishtiby) som är vansinnigt god. Och som vanligt när jag varit hemma hos Helene är jag alltid jättetrött när jag kommer hem. Det är tröttande att ha skoj.
November 2010
Now we are in our new home in Runhällen; a smaller house and a smaller garden. The dogs love it, we have the forest just around the corner.
Our breeding plans for the goldens have been updated. Ch Rossmix Hung Up will be mated to Ch Karvin A Kind Of Feeling on her coming season, which will be rather soon.
Also Ch Rossmix Sunshine In The Rain will be mated early 2011, to Ch Ramchaine Snap To Jakos. Have a look here.
Thursday October 22, 2010
Flora (Flower To Rossmix Du Bois de La Rayère) entered our home this night, after a long journey from Paris. Thanks Ingrid Lundkvist for your kind help and assistance! Flora is a sweet little thing already playing with the others and full of happiness. Thanks B for Flora, such a wonderful gift, she is already a real personality!
Friday September 15, 2010
Today the sunshine is shining and life seems a bit better than the last couple of days. I have made some photos of my flowers, probably the last before we are leaving for our new home.
September 2010
Stine Espe and LPI LPII Rossmix Savoie (INTCH SECH BECH HOLLCH FRCH Furyo Noroy Du Plessy - Ch Rossmix Hung Up) has gained their 2nd title in obedience in Norway. Congratulations!
Friday September 24, 2010
This day is a day that I will remember. Moa was off to Italy in the morning, Rosa was picked up on the way to the Finnish show this weekend, Dream Max Nina Ricci was mated to Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix, Lambi was inseminated with frozen semen of my late darling Kevin (Ch Rossmix Rugger 1995-2005), William was here needing my attention (as always), Laura (William's girlfriend) was to be picked up, and we were supposed to be at a crayfish party at my father at 17. Everything succeeded, not on time though, and the dinner was very nice! Kerstin was, as always, helping me out!
Saturday September 25, 2010
Last weekend in Gibraltar I rediscovered an old favourite, the White Lady; a mix of gin, cointreau and lemon. Could it get any better?
Wednesday September 22, 2010

This is my mother, Kerstin Strömbom, as young as she is!
Tuesday September 21, 2010
Just back from the 2 day show in Gibraltar. Here are some photos of the Gibraltar monkeys, more photos will come.
Monday September 6, 2010
Today the results came from SKK on the pre-x-ray of For Rossmix Du Bois De La Rayère, he was scored AA and elbows 0+0. Thanks Bruno for this lovely big puppy!
SKK int Högbo September 4, 2010
From Junior class JWW-10 Puggens Wilma Ros Mix was 2nd best bitch and won her 1st CC.
Friday September 3, 2010
Today we had a visit of my dear mother, who is the kindest in the world. When we had our breakfast outside on the veranda, suddenly there was a rather big grasshopper on the wall. Have a look here! And after these photos, I will not sell my camera!!
Sunday 22, 2010
In three starting sessions Rossmix Be The Reason has been competing in obedience class I and today got his first title, LPI. Congratulations Lena and Aussie! Now they are aiming at class II in obedience.
Måndagen den 16 augusti 2010
Boktips!! Karin Alvtegen har kommit ut med en ny bok som heter En sannolik historia, läs och begrunda. Jag har tidigare läst flera av hennes böcker, men denna är klart bäst. Hela dagen gick åt till läsning.
Söndagen den 15 augusti 2010
I väntan på husvisning kl 15, hittade jag en massa gamla foton på några av mina gamla hundar, bland andra Knegarens Tarantella, Rossmix Gentle As Always.
Nyköping August 11, 2010
Lena Andersson has been competing again, also this time with a 1st price and was placed 2nd amongst all the competitors.

Rossmix Be The Reason is owned by Lena Andersson, Stockholm.
Stockholm August 1, 2010
Lena Andersson has been competing with her golden, Rossmix Be The Reason, in obedience today and was placed 7th amongst 134 competitors. They got 172.5 p. Congratulations!
August 1, 2010
Today I have put photos from some of our trips under Photos.
SKK Köping July 25, 2010
WW-10 Ch Rossmix Zenato Ripassa won BOB BOG-4. MultiCh Anjos Antares once again won the progeny class with his offspring.
Pug Special MO Köping July 24, 2010
MultiCh Anjos Antares won the progeny class with four of his offspring.
SSRK Högbo July 17, 2010
Today I showed For Rossmix Du Bois De La Rayère for the 1st time,
he was BOB puppy and finally BIS-3. Our youngest labrador champion bitch was BOB and ended up as BIS-4.

Ch Rossmix Stars Are Bright.
July 13, 2010
This morning I took Selma, Louise, Monsieur and little Rosa to the lake for an early swim. Have a look at some photos from there. In the afternoon we went again with some of the other dogs.
SKK nat Borås July 4, 2010
Today we got a new champion; Ch Rossmix Last But Not Least. Gullan won the Open class, became best bitch, won her 5th CC and got her champion title. The little pug, called Rosa, Puggens Wilma Ros Mix, won the Junior class and ended up 3rd best bitch. Ch Rossmix Zenato Ripassa won the Champion class, BOB, BIG and BIS-2 out of 3000 dogs.
July 2, 2010
Photos of Monsieur in Öregrund. När vi var på världsutställningen i Danmark fick Monsieur åka på lillsemester till Öregrund. Här kan du se bilder därifrån.
June 29, 2010
This morning I made some photos of flowers from our garden. And here are some photos from our trip to Denmark.
June 28, 2010
Today our latest puppy has arrived, Sangold Le Petit Pois, called Bellis. She is a grand daughter of our darling Olle (Rossmix No Regrets).

Sangold Le Petit Pois, called Bellis.
World Winner show Herning, Denmark June 26, 2010
My darling Rosa won a strong Junior class and ended up as best bitch, only 10 months old. Rosa also participated in the Puggens breeders group which was BIS.
Labrador Retriever Club show Denmark June 26, 2010
WW-10 SEUCH NOCH Rossmix Zenato Ripassa won the Champion class and ended up as BOB.
World Winner show Herning, Denmark June 24, 2010
Today we had a fantastic day with three excellents and on top of that our first labrador world winner, from Champion class; SEUCH NOUCH Rossmix Zenato Ripassa.

WW-10 SECH NOCH Rossmix Zenato Ripassa. Photo: Fred Smink.
June 6, 2010
Pappas pionträd har slagit ut, den står längst ner på hans tomt, nere vid Brunnsvikens strand.
June 5, 2010
Today Rossmix Back To Basic won BIS at the GRC Västmanland. Greta is owned by kennel Creamtoffees.
May 22, 2010
Rossmix Spice Girl celebrates her 7th birthday in Russia with a birthday cake and tuna steak for dinner.

Rossmix Spice Girl
(INT CH Ashbury Please Tell Me - Rossmix Gentle As Always)
Spaniel & Retriever Club Show Skokloster May 15, 2010
For the first time in the show ring Rossmix Back To Basic won the Puppy class and ended up as BOB BIS-4 puppy. Greta is owned by kennel Creamtoffees.
May 13, 2010
Some photos of Monsieur, For Rossmix Du Bois De La Rayère.
GRC Club Show May 9, 2010
Rossmix Be The Reason won his class and ended up 3rd best male. Rossmix Loire also won her class. From Open Rossmix Last But Not Least won best bitch and BIS-2. Rossmix Turn Back Time was 2nd in Puppy I. We also had BOB breeders group. Thanks my friends for a nice day together, as I remembered it to be a long time ago.

Rossmix Be The Reason (INT NORDUCH Rossmix No Regrets - Honey Queens Garbo), called Aussie, with his owner Lena Andersson.
May 4, 2010
New photos of some of the cats. Spring is here and they are out in garden, exploring.
DKK int Hilleröd May 1, 2010
Today Puggens Wilma Ros Mix won BOB puppy. Rosa showed herself with pride!
April 28, 2010
Today we got the x-ray result from SKK; Rossmix Loire is scored with B hips and elbows 0+0.
SKK nat Västerås April 24, 2010
MultiCh Anjos Antares won BOB BIS-2 progeny group. Ch Rossmix Stars Are Bright won the champion class and ended up as best bitch.
In Norway Stine Espe with her Rossmix Savoie (FRJCH INTUCH Furyo Noroy Du Plessy - Ch Rossmix Hung Up) did well in obedience; 180 p, 1 st price, and was placed 3rd in the competition. Now they can move up to obedience class II.
And today we lost a dear friend, Ch SV-03 SV-07 Rossmix No More Waiting. Allis has had a good life, but now she will live among the clouds. Thanks Kerstin for looking after Allis so well the last couple of years.
SKK int Stockholm April 3, 2010
We got a new champion today; Ch Rossmix Stars Are Bright, Latte won the Open class and then became best bitch with CC and cacib. Our darling pug puppy Puggens Wilma Ros Mix was best puppy. And Ch Anjos Antares had BOB BIS progeny group. Thanks Johanna Nyberg for excellent handling!
March 31, 2010
More photos of the labrador puppies. And of the pug puppies.
March 18, 2010
Today Lena and Johanna Nyberg, kennel Puggens, have been here to have a first look at our pug puppies, by their late Ch MultiW Siivas Fabulous Forever. I hope they were as pleased as we are! Lena managed to get a new photo of my Rosa, Puggens Wilma Ros Mix. Here she is!

March 13, 2010
Photos of the pug puppies and the labrador puppies.
March 12, 2010
The travel to Crufts this year is, sorry to say, finally cancelled due to a broken now operated foot in our family.
March 8, 2010
Photos of Rossmix Never Back Down, Rossmix Time Will Tell, and Pugsies Oh Magic Moments.
March 4, 2010
Rossmix Time Will tell got her puppies 1+6; 4 black females, 2 yellow females and 1 yellow male. Photos will come.
March 2, 2010
Five of the puppies have left for their new homes, we wish the families and the puppies good luck with their new life together.
March 1, 2010
The vet is here to examine all of the puppies and give them their first vaccination. All is well.
February 28, 2010
Home again after a very nice weekend in France at kennel Du Bois De La Rayère.
Eyops Discovery (by MultiCh TRIALER Rossmix No Regrets) wins the R-CAC in Gent, Belgium and become BECH, congratulations Edlyn and Tom!
February 23, 2010
Photos of the puppies - week 7.
February 22, 2010
Photo of Rossmix Savoie (INTUCH TRIALER Furyo Noroy Du Plessy - Ch Rossmix Hung Up) under Photos from puppy buyers.
February 20, 2010
The 1st photos of the pug puppies.
February 16, 2010
Yeasterday Madde and Emelie came to have a look at the puppies. It seemed that they were as happy as I am about them. We managed to get the first standing photos. The puppies are 6 weeks today. You can have a look here.
February 14, 2010
Rossmix Still The Same wins CC, cacib and ended up as BOS at the Arezzo show in Italy, judged by Mr Keith Young.
February 7, 2010
Today Guideline's Sock Fairy visited her first show, she won her class and ended up as BIS-2.
February 5, 2010
More photos of the puppies - week 4.
January 31, 2010
Even more photos of the puppies - week 3.
January 17, 2010
Photos of the puppies - week 2 and the kittens watching over the Asta puppies.
January 16, 2010
Photos from yesterday; trees filled with the strangest snow, this appears rarely.
January 14, 2010
Nu säljer vi "Judging The Gundog Breeds" av Frank Kane.
GRC Morciano, January 10, 2010
Rossmix Still The Same wins CC and R-cacib. Coco is owned by Danilo Palumbo in Italy.

Rossmix Still The Same (Ch Stanroph Say Hi To Rossmix - Rossmix Too Late).
January 5, 2010
The puppies are born, 4 boys and 5 girls. The proud father is Ch Guldruschens Business As Usual. Have a look here.
January 1, 2010
Rossmix Time Will Tell is mated to Guideline's Times Eighteen. Read more here. |