Oldies, but goodies
Här är några av mina golden som har en större plats i mitt hjärta. Det finns säkert fler, men dessa ger mig en varm känsla.

NORDUCH FIV-98 Rossmix Rugger, called Kevin
(Sherlock Of Glen Sheallag - Knegarens Tarantella)
1995 - 2005. On the photo Kevin is 10 years old.

This photo is taken at the World Winner dog show in Amsterdam 2002, Kevin won the champion class and ended up as 2nd best male with R-CC and R-cacib.

INT NORDUCH TRIALER Rossmix No Regrets (NORDUCH FIV-98 Rossmix Rugger - Friendship Merriwagga), född 1999.
Och Olle, alltid denna Olle! En sån älskvärd och glad golden, alltid svansviftande, precis som mamma Wagga. Fotot är från dagen då Olle vann sitt första cert, endast nio månader gammal.

SUCH TRIALER Rossmix No Regrets (OLLE)
(NORSDUCH FIV-98 Rossmix Rugger - Friendship Merriwagga) Född 1999. BIS-valp GRK Sala 2000.

My old house in Järlåsa, Lillhammar, during the winter . . .

. . . and summer.

Rossmix Stay Forever (Ch Kerrien Raleigh - Ch Rossmix Please Be My Dream)
Stella, as a puppy. She won several BIS placings as a puppy, and one CC from junior class at the Stockholm Int show in December 2002, which was qualifying for Crufts the year after.

Rossmix Stolen Heart, called Julia
(Ch Karvin A Kind Of Feeling - Rossmix Too Late)
2004 - 2010

Ch Karvin A Kind Of Feeling, called Fille
(MultiCh Goldensoul Feelgood - Ch Rossmix Save The Best For Last) as a puppy with his breeder Heidi Karves in Finland 2002.

Rossmix Too Late, called Twitch
(Donnyrose Julius - Honey Queens Garbo)
Twitch turned out to be a super brood bitch for my breeding. As an 8 week old puppy she was placed with the famous Marie-Noëlle Terlinden, kennel Of Glen Sheallag in France, and was brought back by my very good friend Edlyn Gribble in Belgium. I will always be grateful for this, thanks Edlyn!

Rossmix Gentle As Always, called Alva
(Ch Stenbury Sjöbjörn - Friendship Merriwagga), born 1998.
Rossmix Falling In Love
(Gills Garfield - Stenbury Sea Jade)
Född 2000.
BIS GRK Fjällnora 2001 |
Knegarens Tarantella
(Knegarens Shine'n Sparkle - Stanroph Sweet Sensation).
Född 1989.
BIS GRK Molstaberg 1993. |
Rossmix In Love Again
(Ch Dual Purpose Lionheart - Ch SV-03 SV-07 Rossmix No More Waiting)
Född 2002.
BIS-valp GRK Farsta 2002. |
Rossmix Forbidden Love
(Gills Garfield - Stenbury Sea Jade)
Ägd av kennel Svedjebäcken.
Född 2001.
Rossmix French Endeavour
(INTUCH Ashbury Please Tell Me - Honey Queens Garbo)
Född 2003. |
Combine Headlight
(Ch Chinnordale Kirriebillie - Ch Combine Flames Of Fantasy)
Född 2003. |

My son William and Friendship Merriwagga (INT NORDUCH Mjaeurumhögdas Classic Sound - Friendship Mathilda) in 2003. Wagga was born 1994.
Ch Rossmix Please Be My Dream.

BIS uppfödargrupp SSRK Skokloster 2000 med från vänster NORDUCH FIV-98 Rossmix Rugger, hans son INT NORDUCH TRIALER Rossmix No Regrets, Ch Rossmix Please Be My Dream och längst till höger Ch SV-03 SV-07 Rossmix No More Waiting. Linda Dahlberg sitter bakom hundarna.

Rossmix Stay Forever (Ch Kerrien Raleigh - Ch Rossmix Please Be My Dream) and Ch Karvin A Kind Of Feeling (Ch Golden Soul Feelgood - Ch Rossmix Save The Best For Last). Stella taught Fille to swim. Stella was a sister to Rossmix Good Decision, born 2001, she died too young.

Rossmix Special Delivery (Ch Ashbury Please Tell Me - SV-03-07 Ch Rossmix No More Waiting), called Bosse, born 2003.

Rossmix In Love Again, called Lotta
(Ch Dual Purpose Lionheart - SV-03-07 Ch Rossmix No More Waiting), born 2002.

Rossmix All Yours
(Donnyrose Julius - Honey Queens Garbo)
A litter sister to Twitch, Rossmix Too Late. Owned by kennel Donnyrose.

LPI LPII Rossmix Good Decision
(Ch Kerrien Raleigh - Ch Rossmix Please Be My Dream)
Lesley is searching for the ball to retrieve.

Rossmix Falling In Love, called Willis
(Gills Garfield - Stenbury Sea Jade) to the left and
Rodney Of Glen Sheallag, called Rodney
(Inassicas Song Of Songs - Ocean Blue Of Glen Sheallag) to the right. Both as youngsters.

Brother and sister, from the same combination. To the left SV-03 Ch Rossmix Hard To Get and to the right SV-03-07 Ch Rossmix No More Waiting (1999 - 2009), both by FIV-98 NORDUCH Rossmix Rugger - Friendship Merriwagga. This day they were BOB and BOS at the Swedish Winner show in Växjö 2003. Nisse is owned by kennel Guldruschen. Allis was litter sister to MultiCh TRIALER Rossmix No Regrets, called Olle.

Rossmix Just Pleasing, called Jussi
(Ch Ashbury Please Tell Me - Ch Rossmix Please Be My Dream), born
2003. Here as a young boy, not fully grown up.

Rossmix Touching The Sky, called Mallan
(NORDUCH FIV-98 Rossmix Rugger - Rossmix Gentle As Always), born 2000.

Rossmix Waiting For You, called Saga, born 2000
(Gills Garfield - Stenbury Sea Jade)
co-owned with kennel Goldblossoms.

Ch Rossmix Last Edition (GIZMO)
(Ch Pauclare Pot Of Gold - Friendship Merriwagga), ägd av Lena Andersson.
Född 2001.
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